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    How do architects design buildings for living in space

    author:Enrique Tovar

    Buildings may exist anywhere or in any physical space inhabited by humans. In addition, our innate curiosity and spirit of exploration constitute an indispensable aspect of being human. Our creativity drives us to explore future scenarios as individuals and as a society. Thus, the possibility of a future in space has fired the imagination of scientists and designers, resulting in the concept of humans inhabiting space and science fiction designs.
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    A City Guide to twentieth-century architecture in Paris: From Le Corbusier's modern villas to Brutalist estates

    author:Maria-Cristina Florian

    The 20th century was a period of experimentation and innovation at an unprecedented rate, which was also a characteristic of architectural expressions of the time. From Le Corbusier's revolution in modern architecture to the high-tech style embodied by the Centre Pompidou designed by Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers, Paris, as one of Europe's major centres of artistic and cultural expression, is also a centre for the formation of new architectural styles. 
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    Back to the roots: natural ventilation and its use in different environments

    author:Dima Stouhi

    Automation is everywhere - in our homes, furniture, offices, cars, even our clothes; We have become so used to being surrounded by automated systems that we have even forgotten what life would be like without them. While automated systems have significantly improved the quality of indoor Spaces with solutions such as purified air and temperature control, nothing compares to the natural cool breeze of Mother Nature.