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    Golf Apartments | Omniview Design | Greece

    Project name: Golf Apartments

    Architecture firm: Omniview Design

    Chief Architect: Dimitri Tsigos

    Designer team: Ioanna Iliadi, Afroditi Maragkou, Danai Diou, Christina Tsakiri, Lina Kazolea, Katerina-Christina Anastasopoulou

    Project location: Glyfada, Greece

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    This is a high-end residential development next to the famous golf course in Gilifada, Greece. The clear form of the building, as well as the interesting geometry of the street-facing facade, derived from an interpretation of local planning regulations, creates a wire frame that engulfs the entire volume. Curved balconies with alternating directions create a lively, stylish rhythm on the facade. This rhythm extends to the side facades, bringing the architectural squeeze of the building into the same design language while providing a sense of movement.

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    The architectural language of the balcony reappeared on the exterior walls of the building. The corner facing the golf course is interpreted as curved glass, a nod to nearby landmarks.

    A sense of movement is maintained throughout the design. This feeling is reinforced by the penthouse's double-height living area, which is briefly interrupted by a flying bridge connecting the mezzanine to the balcony.

    The sense of openness on the ground floor is achieved through a double height interior connected to the adjoining private garden.

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    For the interior, vertical shutters are used as functional shading devices that accentuate the vertical geometry. Bespoke Spaces - partitions and furniture - combine materials such as wood and marble to enhance the overall elegance.

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